Discover how indie developers can leverage user feedback to create a robust product roadmap. Use easy-to-use tools or managing in-app feature requests. Follow a step-by-step guide to implement WishKit in your iOS app, encourage user participation, and prioritize features based on user votes....
Create a playful SwiftUI onboarding screen with an animated mesh gradient background. Use ZStack for layering, implement a view model for state management, and craft eye-catching components like an animated title and feature grid....
Discover how to improve your app's UX writing with insights from WWDC 2024. Learn to apply Apple's principles of clarity, simplicity, friendliness, and helpfulness to create engaging screens. See real examples of refining feature descriptions to resonate with users & showcase your app's personality....
Explore the power of SwiftUI's scrollTransition modifier to create smooth visual effects for scrolling content. Learn how to implement blur, scale, and opacity transitions as lyrics scroll in and out of view. Use ScrollTransitionPhase and how to address Swift 6 compatibility issues in iOS 17.4....
Explore iOS 18.0's new State of Mind feature for journaling apps. Learn to implement JournalingSuggestion.StateOfMind, capturing users' emotions with custom mood displays. Discover how third-party app data integrates, enhancing the journaling experience....
Explore Apple's Translate framework to handle mixed-language content and overcome the unableToIdentifyLanguage error using NLLanguageRecognizer. Discover efficient code snippets for language detection and error handling in iOS 18.0....