Exploring Google AI SDK for Swift: Gemini AI Model for Text Only Input
I came across Tim's tweet about Google supporting Swift for their AI SDK.
Great to see @googledevs supporting #Swift for their new AI SDK. It’s a great language for AI research and development. https://t.co/JxBuYrAf5b
— Tim Sneath (@timsneath) December 14, 2023
I was unfamiliar with this SDK, so time for exploration and experimentation!
Adding Google AI SDK for Swift as a Dependency
The first step in getting started with this SDK is to add it as a dependency in Xcode. When managing via Swift Package Manager, add GoogleGenerativeAI as a dependency by adding it to the dependencies
value of the Package.swift:
dependencies: [
.package(url: “https://github.com/google/generative-ai-swift.git")
Configuring Google AI SDK with your API Key
Once we have added GoogleGenerativeAI as a dependency, we must configure it with your API Key. You can obtain a new API Key via Google AI Studio:
Simple Text Request
I have been playing around with GPT before for music recommendations so we will do a simple prompt to get songs similar to my all-time favorite song, Snuff by Slipknot.
Add the following code to import the package:
import GoogleGenerativeAI
Then, we use the Gemini Pro model to intialise an instance of a generative model with the API key:
let model = GenerativeModel(name: "gemini-pro", apiKey: "AIxxxxxdPFOd9x4O")
‼️ I am using the hard-coded key here for demonstration purposes. DO NOT use API key directly.
A simple prompt to get the response in JSON format:
let prompt = """
"Get me a song similar to Snuff by Slipknot. Provide the response as an array of JSON as { ["artist": "artistName", "song": "songName"] } only. Remove any backticks.
Then, we use the GenerativeModel.generateContent(_:)
method with the prompt and get the text out of the response:
struct GenerativeSongModel: Hashable, Codable {
var artist: String
var song: String
let response = try await model.generateContent(prompt)
if let text = response.text, let data = text.data(using: .utf8) {
let models = try JSONDecoder().decode([GenerativeSongModel].self, from: data)
self.models = models
Using it with SwiftUI
Here is a simple view to show the data that we got from the model:
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var models: [GenerativeSongModel] = []
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List {
if models.isEmpty {
} else {
ForEach(models, id: \.self) { model in
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.navigationTitle("Google AI SDK Example")
.task {
await getSong()
And that's it! We have learned how to use the Google AI SDK for Swift with the new Gemini Pro model. The next few posts will discuss multi-turn conversations, image input and advanced configurations.